Electronic Web Portfolio

Below is most of the written work for the robot as well as the code and links to the Kinect libraries we used for reference.Resized_20160420_111130




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using Microsoft.Kinect;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO.Ports;
//namespace kinect1
public class kinect1
public kinect1()
#include <kdl/frames.hpp> // For KDL::Vector, KDL:Rotation, etc
XnFloat* m; // Temporary variable for accessing matrix elements
// Get torso xyz position
XnSkeletonJointPosition xn_pos_torso;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, XN_SKEL_TORSO, xn_pos_torso);
KDL::Vector torso(joint_pos_torso.position.X, joint_pos_torso.position.Y, joint_pos_torso.position.Z);
// Get torso rpy rotation
XnSkeletonJointOrientation xn_orient_torso;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointOrientation(user, XN_SKEL_TORSO, xn_orient_torso);
m = xn_orient_torso.orientation.elements;
KDL::Rotation torso_rotation(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7], m[8]);
//Get right shoulder xyz position
XnSkeletonJointPosition xn_pos_r_shoulder;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER, xn_pos_r_shoulder);
KDL::Vector right_shoulder(xn_pos_r_shoulder.position.X, xn_pos_r_shoulder.position.Y, xn_pos_r_shoulder.position.Z);
// Get left shoulder xyz position
XnSkeletonJointPosition xn_pos_l_shoulder;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER, xn_pos_l_shoulder);
KDL::Vector left_shoulder(xn_pos_l_shoulder.position.X, xn_pos_l_shoulder.position.Y, xn_pos_l_shoulder.position.Z);
// Get left shoulder rpy rotation
XnSkeletonJointOrientation xn_orient_l_shoulder;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointOrientation(user, XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER, xn_orient_l_shoulder);
m = xn_orient_l_shoulder.orientation.elements;
KDL::Rotation left_shoulder_rotation(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7], m[8]);
//Get left elbow xyz position’
XnSkeletonJointPosition xn_pos_l_elbow;
        UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW, xn_pos_l_elbow);
KDL::Vector left_elbow(xn_pos_l_elbow.position.X, xn_pos_l_elbow.position.Y, xn_pos_l_elbow.position.Z);
// Get left hand xyz position
XnSkeletonJointPosition xn_pos_l_hand;
UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, XN_SKEL_LEFT_HAND, xn_pos_l_hand);
KDL::Vector left_hand(xn_pos_l_hand.position.X, xn_pos_l_hand.position.Y, xn_pos_l_hand.position.Z);
// We need this inverse rotation to correct all of the other joints’ XYZ and RPY into a torso relative space.
KDL::Rotation torso_rotation_inverse = torso_rotation.Inverse();
// Right shoulder position – remove torso rotation and translation
right_shoulder = right_shoulder – torso;
right_shoulder = torso_rotation_inverse * right_shoulder;
// Left shoulder rotation – remove torso rotation and extract angles
left_shoulder_rotation = left_shoulder_rotation * torso_rotation_inverse;
double left_shoulder_roll, left_shoulder_pitch, left_shoulder_yaw;
left_shoulder_rotation.GetRPY(left_shoulder_roll, left_shoulder_pitch, left_shoulder_yaw);
// Left shoulder position – remove torso rotation and translation
left_shoulder = left_shoulder – torso;
left_shoulder = torso_rotation_inverse * left_shoulder;
// Left elbow position – remove torso rotation and translation
left_elbow = left_elbow – torso;
left_elbow = torso_rotation_inverse * left_elbow;
// Left hand position – remove torso rotation and translation
left_hand = left_hand – torso;
left_hand = torso_rotation_inverse * left_hand;
// Now all of our data considers their (X,Y,Z) and (R,P,Y) to have their (0,0,0) at the torso rather than at the Kinect camera.
// These coordinates are now ready to process to create useful joint angles to send to a robot.
// The following vectors are normalized so that when we create triangles out of them we can treat them as being within the unit circle, and the trigonometry is simplified.
// These first two vectors have the shoulder as the origin. Useful for calculating left shoulder pitch and roll
KDL::Vector left_shoulder_right_shoulder = right_shoulder – left_shoulder;
KDL::Vector left_shoulder_elbow = left_elbow – left_shoulder;
// These last two vectors have the elbow as the origin. Useful for calculating the elbow angle.
KDL::Vector left_elbow_shoulder = left_shoulder – left_elbow;
KDL::Vector left_elbow_hand = left_hand – left_elbow;
static double robot_left_shoulder_angle_roll = 0;
        if (xn_pos_r_shoulder.fConfidence >= 0.9 && xn_pos_l_elbow.fConfidence >= 0.9 && xn_pos_l_shoulder.fConfidence >= 0.9)
            // Calculate the angle between two vectors. By comparing the left elbow, left shoulder, and right shoulder positions, we can get the inner angle.
            robot_left_shoulder_angle_roll = acos(KDL.dot(left_shoulder_elbow, left_shoulder_right_shoulder));
            // Shift the angle to consider arms down as zero position
            robot_left_shoulder_angle_roll = robot_left_shoulder_angle_roll – HALFPI;
static double robot_left_shoulder_angle_pitch = 0;
// static: if a confidence check fails, previous iteration’s value is used.
if (xn_pos_l_shoulder.fConfidence >= 0.9 && xn_pos_l_elbow.fConfidence >= 0.9)
    // Remember, Y from the Kinect coordinate system is actually Z on the robot.
    // This considers a triangle where the hypotenuse is your arm.
    // We want to take the inverse sign of the forward component of your arm to calculate the angle that we should send to the robot’s pitch joint.
    robot_left_shoulder_angle_pitch = asin(left_shoulder_elbow.y());
    // Shift the angle to consider arms down as zero position
    robot_left_shoulder_angle_pitch = robot_left_shoulder_angle_pitch + HALFPI;
// left shoulder yaw
static double left_shoulder_angle_yaw = 0;
if (xn_pos_l_shoulder.fConfidence >= 0.9)
    // In this case, we can take the rotation directly from the Kinect data.
    // However, this method isn’t very reliable.
    // The rotational information for joints frmo NITE is very unreliable.
    // In certain positions of the user’s arms, this method will fail.
    // I suggest that you try to make a better trigonometric solution.
    // Remember, robot yaw = kinect roll because robot Z = kinect Y
    left_shoulder_angle_yaw = left_shoulder_roll;
static double robot_left_elbow_angle = 0;
        if (xn_pos_l_hand.fConfidence >= 0.9 && xn_pos_l_elbow.fConfidence >= 0.9 && xn_pos_l_shoulder.fConfidence >= 0.9)
            // calculate the angle between two vectors.
            // by comparing the left shoulder, left elbow, and left hand positions, we can get the inner angle
            robot_left_elbow_angle = acos(KDL.dot(left_elbow_hand, left_elbow_shoulder));
            // Shift the angle to consider arms down as zero position
            robot_left_elbow_angle = left_elbow_angle – PI;
Reference library used for program was KDL and can be found here: https://github.com/orocos/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/blob/master/orocos_kdl/src/frames.hpp
Below is photos of the robot program and Kinect program running:
program robot progrm action library

Project update (4/28/16 & 5/03/16)

On Thursday (4/28/16), Dr. Spalletta brought in a new FitPC that had the administrator license for Microsoft Visual on it. This was a problem for us since our previous FitPC with Microsoft Visual had an expired license and would not let us use the software. With that resolved the majority of the class was spent writing code for the Kinect to recognize different body parts and by the end of the class, the torso and shoulders were coded.

Tuesday (5/3/16), more coding was done on the program with the intention of being able to have the program completely coded. Also Dr. Spalletta suggested that using a bluetooth module for the FitPC to send commands to the robot would be the best way. We will use this method, since the Alpha 1S robot already has a bluetooth module on it compared to the RoboPhilo which used an old school IR sensor setup.