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Ethical Reaction

In class we discussed two different ethical scenarios and applied the IEEE code of ethics that applied to each. From this we concluded that there are two ethical codes that can be applied to engineering. The first being the IEEE code of ethics, which is primarily used as the framework or guidelines for engineers in the work place. These guidelines essentially keep the engineer out of trouble as long as he/she follows the code of ethics. The second code of ethics is the ethical theories taught throughout the university, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. These ethical theories form a structure for how we should live our daily lives and are useful in the evaluation of the engineering ethical scenarios.

As for the ethical discussions in class, I think it would be beneficial to see how the IEEE code of ethics compares to classical ethical theories in engineering specific scenarios. By doing this it will help bridge the gap between the ethics the Jesuit institution employs on the students and the standards set by IEEE. Another possible solution to improve the engineering departments understanding of ethics could be setting up debate/discussion with philosophy majors about an engineering ethical dilemma. This will allow the students to become more familiar with ethical theories and even challenge the students’ knowledge of the IEEE code of ethics against the classical theories. This discussion could also provide insight on ways to improve our performance at the Student Activities Conference ethics competition.

Week 14

Week fourteen was dedicated to finishing the project proposal and coming up with some sensor and conceptual ideas to test in week 15. The project proposal consists of a description, milestones, deliverable, and WBS. The test for week 15 will be using the dragonboard to run two motors using tilt sensors. The tilt sensors will eventually be replaced with an accelerometer.



Week 13

Week thirteen consisted of reviewing different concepts of project management, such as scope management and project proposal topics. The project proposal requirements are as followed: project description, sell the project, and prove that you and your team can complete the project. During this week I Oslo continued troubleshooting the GPIOs on the dragonboard.


Week 12

Week twelve was dedicated to working on the control system for the robot as well as the specifications for the two masses (the ball and the mount).  I decided that the two masses should be about the same mass to allow enough contact and friction for the motors and the ball. This will also allow the wheels to have some slippage if needed. AS for the control system i decided to use a negative feedback loop using the sensors, dragonboard, and the motors. At the end of the week I finished setting up the dragon board, except for the GPIOs.


Week 10-11

Weeks ten and eleven consisted of discussing various types of sensors and their advantages/disadvantages. Also, researching other similar projects that have robots balancing on a ball/segway. Finally during week eleven I began setting up the dragon board and getting familiar with Linux.


Weeks 8-9

Weeks eight and nine were designated to decided on what the final project would be. The project I decided to work on was the ball balancing project. This project will essentially be a robot that is placed on top of a ball and have the capability to navigate and balance. In the notebook there will be a possible parts list and questions and answers about the project. The questions and answers can be found below and in a separate post.




Week 7

Week seven consisted of the project closeout for the quad copter project. The project closeout can be seen on the home page. The closeout will allow future studies to pick up where I left off by using my progress and notes on the quad copter. The second half of the week was used for discussing the requirements for the second project and brainstorming, which will continue into the second semester.
