Ethical Reactions


Christopher Gasper

EE 454 Robotics and Professional Practice

Ethical Reaction


            After discussing different ethical issues, it was odd at first to discuss them using both classical ethics and the IEEE Code of Ethics. This is because classical ethics relate to personal conflicts and the IEEE Code of Ethics were designed to stay out of trouble when making decisions in industry as an engineer. After taking into consideration the ethical issue at hand, the two types of ethics came into play when making a decision.

            I learned that when making an ethical decision using the Code of Ethics, classical ethics come into play based off your personal beliefs. I feel as though utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number), from classical ethics, goes hand in hand with the Code of Ethics. You want to offer the greatest good for the largest amount of people. Following this classical principle will allow you to protect large numbers while abiding by the Code of Ethics. Learning these classical principles in a Jesuit institution allows for the students to follow the Code of Ethics more precisely.

            Feedback for future ethical discussions is very minimal. I feel like more discussions would be beneficial to have, they make the class more active. Other than that, maybe finding a way to incorporate other classical ethical principles besides Kant’s utilitarianism to ethical decisions will allow for links between this course and other philosophy courses.


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