Project Description:
The “Sumo Bot” is the project I will be working on for the first half of the semester. The bot is essentially an autonomous robot that competes with another sumo bot. These two bots battle to push the other out of the ring. The bot is completely autonomous and functions by reading data from several sensors. I will be using a short and long range distance IR sensor, 4 line sensors, and a pressure sensor (Velostat). The distance IR sensors are used to track the other bot and the line sensors are used to stay within the ring on its own. The bot will be driven by an Arduino Uno which will control 2 DC motors (75:1 metal gear ratio) as well as 2 micro servo motors. The DC motors will allow the bot movement and the servos are used for a battle tactic. This tactic consists of micro servos that will drive pins down at a certain angle so it cannot be pushed easily. The bot has to operate under SAC rules. Its weight cannot exceed 500g and the dimensions (W x L) must be less than 10cm. I plan to continue this project for the upcoming SAC.
1.) Short and Long range IR Sensors operational
2.) Reflective Sensors operational
3.) DC Motor movement
4.) Semi-constructed Chassis (DC motors/Wheels). Sensors need to be mounted still.
5.) Sensor wiring complete
6.) Program for sensor data, DC motor and servo movement
1.) Choice of all components (est. Sept 13) Completed
2.) Sensors working (est. Sept 20) Completed
3.) Movement obtained (est. Sept 23) Completed
4.) Trail strategy implemented (est. Oct 5)
5.) Strategy tested (est. Oct 14)
Instead of using two servos to control 4 pins based off the direction being pushed, Only one servo will be used. This is due to the change in the 3D body design. The wheels cannot fit within the body due to size constraints. Therefore there will only be pressure sensors (Velostat) on the front and back of the bot to control one servo.