Welcome to my site, my name is James Roche and I am a senior Electrical Engineering major. The purpose of this website is to be a reference for any work done throughout my 2016 Senior Robotics class as well as for my senior design project, The Autonomous Deliverer.
Course Work
The course work (outside of my design project) for my senior robotics class consists of videos and a professional practice paper. The videos range from the project description and updates to other various concepts. The professional practice concept was introduced to give myself further knowledge in a professional and ethical situation, and the topic I had chosen was with regards to whistleblowing and its effects.
Design Project: The Autonomous Deliverer
My senior design project is for an autonomous warehouse delivery system incorporating multiple robots communicating with one another. The goal of this project is to have multiple packages in “weeks due” locations and for the robots to communicate and scan each package and organize them according to their expected ship (weeks due) dates in a specific outgoing delivery area.
- The Autonmous Deliverer + Warehouse