At the beginning of week 6, I followed the new found instructions to fix the philo-motion code and download it to the ATmega32 microcontroller. I then disassembled and reassembled the robot redoing the rough calibration with the correct software. Once assembled, I connected the robot to the software on my computer to begin the fine tuning process. Unfortunately, the robot still did not respond to software commands. At this point, I exhausted all my resources to make the robot move and, being in the final week of the project, was left with no time to trouble shoot. To see if it was a possible flaw with the specific ATmega32 I was using, I tested a second one. I still got no response. After reading a few reviews on the RoboPhilo, it became clear that this was not an uncommon problem. Many people stated that although they had followed all the directions correctly, the robot never responded to the software. Unfortunately, this entry level robot was the only robot within our budget. It seems as though, with the included microcontroller, the robot will not work.