Project Description
The quad-copter project consists of modifying a quad-copter to function nearly autonomously. The goal of the project is to have the copter take off and hover autonomously, while also reacting to various objects and signals to undergo various movements. The quad-copter will be controlled by a naze 32 flight controller and a Qualcom Inforce 6540 microprocessor. A PIXY camera will be used for the object recognition, which will let the processor know what shape and color the object is. Then depending on the object, the copter will execute a specified command that is designated in the software. The final product should be able to take off and hover autonomously while sensing different objects and carrying out tasks based on the object recognized.
1.) Control motors individually
2.) Manual control of quad copter using RC controller
3.) Take off and hover autonomously using the Qualcom
4.) Object recognition with PIXY camera
5.) Integrate system
1.) Gather all necessary components
2.) Take off autonomously
3.) Hover and land autonomously
4.) Identify objects
5.) Follow visual commands