Final Project Update/Next Steps:


The Sumo Bot was not fully completed. Three of my milestones were completed, I chose all of the necessary parts, I was able to get all the sensors working, and I was able to obtain DC and servo motor movement. Due to lack of time, I wasn’t fully able to construct the entire bot. The Arduino programs can be found below to get all the sensors working along with DC and servo motor movement. There is also a program that has motor movement based off the long range IR sensor data. 

Moving forward, the next step should be redesigning the chassis. The SAC rules allow for a 10 cm width, the current chassis is just under 10 cm which is a draw back from the initial design. Previous students cut the chassis in the middle and took about 1.5 cm of each side and glued the chassis together. This will allow for the 3D printed body to cover up the wheels and add a pressure sensor (Velostat) on the sides. If not, only pressure sensors on the front and back can be added and would only control one servo with the pins. Therefore the chassis should be redesigned. Another suggestion Dr. Spalletta had was to 3D design and print the chassis and body as one which allows total customization to the user.

Once the chassis and body are determined and constructed, the sensors and servo motors should be mounted. The sensors are already wired by myself. An image can be found below, starting on the left, there is the line sensor, short range IR sensor, and the long range IR sensor. The power and GND lines should run to the voltage regulator circuit that was previously discussed in the week 6 of the notebook update along with a schematic. The green wire then should be attached to the desired pin on the Arduino. An image of the circuit can be found below. The red and black wires in the circuit attach to an 8 V battery.


It is important to discuss the motor driver. Looking at the photo below there are 6 connections. Started on the left, the first two are reserved for power and GND (a 6 V battery should be attached here). The next two pins are motor 1 + and -. The last two pins are motor 2 + and -. In the picture there is a black wire connected to the positive pin, this is due to the way the motor is mounted. In order for both motor 1 and 2 to have the same logic during programming this change had to be made. If this change wasn’t made the forward direction for motor 1 is the backwards direction for motor 2. A sample program for movement can be found below. For forward direction movement the phase has to be LOW and for reverse movement it has to be HIGH. 



Once fully constructed, an algorithm needs to be implemented. The logic I was going to implement was to start the bot by having the two motors run opposite directions until a target is spotted by the long range IR sensor. Once the target is spotted both motors would move in the forward direction. Once my bot is within a 10 cm range the short range IR sensor would take over to make adjustments to push the other bot. Two interrupts would be incorporated as well. If a line sensor was interrupted, the bot would turn around to get away from the edge of the ring depending on which sensor threw the interrupt. The other interrupt would be based on the pressure sensor (Velostat). If the velostat sensed a change, a pin driven by a servo would hit the ground at an angle that would limit the amount my bot would be able to be pushed and would push back in order to get off the pin. The next steps would then be to tweak the algorithm to make the reaction time shorter when sensing to have a dominant sumo bot.


Arduino Programs: 






Week 6:


During the sixth week a lot of headway was made. All 6 sensors I am using, long range IR, short range IR, and 4 reflective sensors were operational and data was collected. Movement during this week was also obtained. In order for all the sensors and DC motors to be powered an additional circuit had to be constructed. This circuit offers a 5 V and GND female pin lines to power everything. This circuit is powered by an 8 V battery which is ran through a voltage regulator. Along with the voltage regulator circuit all of the sensors were soldered with wire (Red – Power, Black – GND, Green – Signal). This allows for easy construction when running the power wires to the power circuit and the signal wires to the Arduino. This schematic can be found in the notebook. A 3-D body for the bot was also constructed using AutoCAD. The design can be found below. The last part seen in the scanned notebook is the logic for obtaining the desired movement of the DC motors. The goals for next week is to complete the project closeout. 

Scanned Notebook: Week-6

3-D Body:


Week 5:


Week 5 was used to come up with movement logic while waiting for the parts to arrive. Also, a change in design was made. Two micro servos will be attached to the bottom of the bot which are used to counter my opponent when my bot is being pushed. A little project update is also included. This shows my progress on my milestones and my goals for week 6.

Scanned Notebook: Week-5

Week 4:


Week 4 of the notebook is dedicated to an outline of my project proposal presentation and a project update. I am still waiting for my parts for the sumo bot to arrive. As of now I am 2 days behind schedule due to this. In the meantime, I am working on updating my website on the project, researching and learning the Arduino language, and brainstorming ideas for the logic I would like to incorporate. The goals I have planned for next week are to have the entire bot assembled and get readings on the distance sensors. Also, the parts list can be found below.

Scanned Notebook: Week-4 

Parts List: Parts List


Weeks 1-3:


Week 1:

Week one of the notebook was designated to project management skills. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) was defined (including Pert and Gantt Charts) and applied to a sample project and my own project (Sumo Bot).  

Week 2:

Week two of the notebook has detailed instructions on how the notebook/portfolio should be formatted/used. A list of what is needed to complete the sumo bot is included as well. Lastly, during the Thursday class, notes were taken regarding real time vs. threaded systems, interrupts, software vs. hardware, and different processors. This information is important to make sure the correct components are chosen to make our projects the most optimized.  

Week 3:

The first class of week three was used to set the milestone completion dates of our projects. The second class was used to learn about the WordPress site for the notebooks/portfolios. This presentation was given by Philip Erb. 

Scanned Notebook: Weeks-1-3