Week 15

Week 15 was dedicated to finish the sensor and movement idea. The way it works is that two tilt sensors are used to control the balance of the segway. If one sensor is tilted a certain way the motors will spin one direction and vice versa if the other sensor is tilted. A video people demonstrates this concept.




Week 14

In week 14, I finished working on  the project proposal and coming up with some sensor and conceptual ideas for the dragonboard to test in week 15. These ideas focus around the balance of the segway and how to detect when the segway is fall and how to change the directions of the motors. The project proposal consists of a description, milestones, deliverable, and WBS.

Week 13

Week 13 consisted of concepts within project management. We were also given what to cover in our project proposal for our projects. Dr. Spalletta explain exactly what need to be in the proposals. The elements in the proposal are a project description, how to sell the project to client and management, and prove that you and your team are capable of completing the project.


Proposal requirements:


Week 12

For week 12, it was discussed on how exactly to get the segway to stay balanced. I decided to use a negative feedback loop to help correct its balance. Below is a write out of the feedback loop. Also, it was also decided to use a dragonboard 410c along with the electric imp. The dragonboard has more GPIO pins and has a GPS module which can hopefully be used for navigation.

Notebook: notebook

Week 11

This week was spent trying to get the electric imp up and running. I was having trouble get a some of them to connect but fortunately there were 2 that could. From there, I looked up how to program the imp and use it the gpio pins. I also learned how to run programs through the imps cloud simply by entering a url. Below is some of the documentation I used to learn how to use the electric imp.

Squirrel Programing Language (The language for programming the imp):


Here is the tutorial I followed to control an led to turn on and off. It’s a simple tutorial that shows you how to use the imp’s agent to implement a program.


Week 10

For week 10, we gather insight on our projects from other students and Dr. Spalletta. It was discussed what was previously done on the project such as what worked and what needed improvements. Students suggested on how to go about project improvements. It was pointed out that stability with the movement is key since you do not want the segway falling over when moving. Also, time this week was finding which microcontroller is best for the project.


Notebook: notes


The purpose of this post is to supply sufficient documentation on the project. In the post you can find datasheets, parts list and documentation on project idea.


Micro-controller datasheet


Programming micro-controller


Super bright LED datasheet


Documentation on LED Communication


Documentation on LED Communication

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Documentation on LED Communication
