EE449 Computer Interfacing

Author: Richard W. Olechna (Page 2 of 2)

Week 6 Update

With the other sensors deemed unusable, my next step was to figure out the ocean optics spectrometer in order to achieve some progress towards the greenhouse. I plan to use this spectrometer to measure the quantity of light a plant actually absorbs. This data will be useful for optimizing the plants growth by allowing me to control how much light is needed within the greenhouse at a given time.

I downloaded the software for the spectrometer onto my laptop and was able to receive the light spectrum within the room. Furthering my research, i found in order to program this sensor, one must know Java, C, or C++. This was disappointing due to my lack of knowledge of these programming languages. With the deadline approaching, i do not see it as a reasonable task to have the spectrometer operating as desired.

Week 5

This week consisted of trying to understand and operate the Co2 / o2 sensors. Both of the sensors show a reading on the Arduino serial output, however the readings are inaccurate when compared to the normal concentration of these two gases in any given room.

Much research was conducted this week on these sensors. It was found that they both need a 48 hour initial soak period in order to obtain accurate readings.

After 48 hours I retested the sensors and still no luck. I began to think the test code was programmed with incorrect algorithms, but as i studied the data sheet, the code in fact was using the correct algorithms that uses a change in voltage across the sensor to relate to a change in gas concentration. As one breathes on either sensor, the serial output records a change in voltage. However, the corresponding gas concentration with the change in voltage is highly unlikely. Data from the o2 sensor shows a 6% concentration of oxygen within the room. This is extremely incorrect as at any given point, a typical room has roughly 20-22% oxygen concentration.

Unfortunately, this unsuspected roadblock with these sensors put me a week behind schedule. For the time allotted, i believe it is important to begin focusing on another major part of the project.

Start of week six I will begin to focus my attention to the Ocean Optics Spectrometer.

Week 4 Notebook

This week consisted of retrieving data for all the removed sensors form the greenhouse. I was able to test both temp/humidity sensors. as well as the lux/luminosity sensors and confirm they are functional.

Testing each sensor individually and on hand allows me understand their operation and the circuit needed for full functionality. This also allows for easier troubleshooting and reduces the risk of reconstructing the greenhouse with inoperative senors.

I was also able to find test code for the Co2 and o2 sensors which will be implemented the start of next week.

Week 1-3 Progress Update

Week 1:

This week consisted of gathering the previous documentation for the foginator provided by Nathan Williams.

Week 2:

I removed the Co2 sensor in order to run sample code. This code is designed to test the sensor for basic operation. This was done by allowing it to run for 24 hours for an initial soak period, then wired to an Arduino Mega 2560 allowing me to read the senor’s data. Although the sensor was reading changes in concentration of Co2 within the air, the code given is believed to have the wrong algorithms written to correctly display the concentration at any given time.

Week 3:

Week 3 consisted of removing the previous wiring and sensors that were installed. this was done to ensure all connections are proper to the sensors when reinstalled. Removal of the sensors also allows me to work on each one individually to ensure sensor functionality. Once all sensors are working, I will begin to reinstall the senors. I will also begin to create a single library for the sensor functions in which i will be able to call from.

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