Richard Olechna

EE449 Computer Interfacing

Whats Next?

Step 1:

Now that I can control motors with the digital sensors, I can begin to write basic code that allows the tanks to travel autonomously. The tank will simply travel straight until an object is detected. I will have the tank move around the object and continue traveling in a random direction.

Step 2:

Next, I will focus on communication techniques. I will obtain another dragonboard, pair the two together via Bluetooth, and attempt to send basic text files back and forth between the two. I will then try and have the dragonboard perform an action based on the information within one of the text files. This will ensure this type of communication technique is possible.

Step 3:

Once the communication is worked out, i will start working on object detection by obtaining an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver.

These three steps should put me at the start of the next semester where I can resume my project.

Week 14

Now that the GPIOs are accessed, it was time to put them to use. I was able to control basic forward and reverse motion with one DC motor using two 5cm digital proximity sensors. This code was taken and slightly modified from examples given by the libraries downloaded. Simply using the Tilt program, i was able to utilize the digital sensors by  using the same GPIO’s set in that program.  Below is the H-Bridge and connections made between the Dragonboard and sensors.




Week 13


Target Location:

The target will output a chirp or ping from an ultrasonic transmitter. The tanks will continuously search for an ultrasonic signal. This allows not only location, but a distance from the object as well.  Using a chirp instead of a constant ultrasonic output greatly reduced the chances of a standing wave forming. This standing wave would produce inaccurate readings and throw off the recievers.


The three tanks will communicate via Bluetooth using what is known as a piconet. There will be one master and two slaves. All tanks will append their location into a text file, and share between the group. the receiving parties will then read the text files for the appropriate information.

Object Avoidance:

I plan to use 4 digital sensors for object avoidance instead of analog. this prevents complications with A-D conversions given the Dragonboard has only digital GPIOs.

Week 11 Notebook

This week consisted of ensuring all the correct libraries are installed onto the dragon board to access the GPIOs. This took longer than expected due to lack of information regarding prerequisite steps needed to ensure the libraries install correctly. After many hours of research, I was able to access the GPIO’s and test this by a simple LED blinking program.

This week also was utilized to install libraries for the on-board GPS capabilities.  I was able to install the correct libraries however, the readings were non-valid. Unfortunately I discovered the GPS option for the Linux interface has not been completed. The GPS only operates using the Android interface. This is a setback for my project however i will find an alternate route.

Week 10 Notebook Update

This week was dedicated to researching the chosen micro-controller and setting up the hardware for  the Qualcomm Dragonboard 410c. This board has on-board GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi capabilities along with 12 digital GPIO’s. These board also come with expansion headers that includes 2 Analog inputs which will be useful for proximity sensors.  The microcontroller allows for a Linux based OS called Linaro. This allows  to download a Python IDE which will be utilized to control the overall project.


With further research, I found the board can only supply 1.8 V from the GPIO’s.  this means transistors are required to control the H-Bridge circuit for the motors and an external power supply for the variety of sensors.fullsizerender

Week 8 Update

This week was designated to finding a new project to work on for the remainder of the semester. I chose to create a project utilizing autonomous robots and wireless communication.  With these requirements in mind, i came up with a project that consists of three autonomous tank-like vehicles that will simultaneously search for a single target. these tanks will communicate position and the targets location once found. when the target is located, the vehicles will move into an offensive position around the target to simulate an attack. This week I will create a design and choose an appropriate micro-controller to complete the tasks required.

Please find my weekly written notebook posted below:


Week 7

Week 7 is dedicated to closeout the project. This will document all aspects of the project, complete and incomplete. It will include my finishing steps and what I recommend for future participants of this project. It will contain all documentation in order to fully organize the completed steps of this project.

Currently, I am working on the Project Closeout Final Paper that will be posted within  “Project 1” of this website once completed.

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