Last week I planned to switch processors from Raspberry Pi to Arduino. With that being said, my goal for this week is to test the robot moving for the first time. I gathered a majority of Arduino code so most of my time this week is dedicated to finishing up the robot assembly and the code itself and to finally bring the two together and see if I can get it to move. Along with that, the majority of this week was dedicated to the project closeout portion of the project basically gathering all information needed to in order to successfully complete this project in the future.
Week 5
Week 5 sees my ideas for the Rough Terrain Robot slightly change. Instead of using the Raspberry Pi microprocessor like I initially intended, I decided to switch and use Arduino. I drew up a schematic on how to connect the processor to the robot and each of the motors in order to operate the robot. With that being said, the goal for this week is assemble the robot completely and gather some information regarding Arduino code.
Progress Report
At this point of the semester, I am slightly behind with the completion of this project. The main reason for this is that I initially planned on using the Raspberry Pi processor and recently found more information regarding the Adruino processor that has a benefit to my project. I sketched up a schematic diagram for assembling the rough terrain robot to the processor and all other components and started to grasp a basic knowledge of the programming logic in order to start testing the robot on half of the boulder course. At this point, I can start to assemble all of the hardware for the robot while still working on the software and programming. I am at a point where I am rather organized and can start making good progress with this project.
Week 4
My goal for this week is to grasp a strong understanding of the Raspberry Pi microcontroller and to attempt to complete my first milestone, assembling the robot including intelligence, power, motors, etc.
Week 1-3
The goals for the first couple of weeks are rather simple. I mainly want to grasp a better understanding of project management and develop a Pert Chart and Gantt Chart to help guide me and manage my time properly. Along with that, I want to fully understand my project so that I can put together said management tools, choosing the correct chassis and microcontroller, and gathering any additional equipment that I may need.